Once upon a time there was a couple who lived by the sea in an old hut. One day the man was fishing and he felt a tug on his fishing line. He reeled it in and pulled up an enormous fish. "Fisherman," said the fish, " If you cut me loose Ill grant you three wishes." "How do I know you wont just swim away?" asked the fisherman. "Because," said the fish, "We magical fishes always keep our word." The fisherman pondered this for a moment and decided to release the magic fish. "What would you like as your first wish?" asked the fish, "I suggest you think long and hard before you make any of your wishes." "Okay." Said the fisherman. He thought about it for a minute, then he told the fish, "For my firat wish, I would like to own a big, brand new house." "Done." Said the fish. And it was. The fisherman went home that night to his wife and their new house. The next day the fisherman went back to the spot where hed caught the magical fish and called out, "Magic fish, I have come to make my second wish."
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